Monday 14 July 2014

No.29. `Can do` versus `Can`t do`.

I suppose it is easy for any of us to dwell on the things we can`t do , rather than focus on what we can. I know it is hard for Chris sometimes, getting frustrated over the things he can`t do, but today it was all about what he can do.
I have been lopping down a very over grown hedge for quite a few weeks with the help of Chloe. We accumulated huge piles of hedge trimmings and brambles. Today I used `man power` to drag out the branches and trimmings into the drive and Chris used ` horse power` to pick them up and haul them away to be dumped. I can`t drive these big machines, he can, he can`t do the physical hauling, I can, we worked as a team, both doing what we do best. It was really nice to work together this way doing pretty normal stuff, a good one for my memory bank and another `up yours` MND day.
 Chris did what he was good at, it was something he can still do and it`s something he still does everyday, out on the farm. I know it made him feel good to help me too. It doesn`t take away the frustration of the things he can`t do, but concentrating on the skills he can still use, well it`s good for his soul, it makes him feel `normal`. I do know how this awful disease will go, but for now it`s good for us both to remember all the things he can do instead of thinking about what he can`t.

(Suddenly started thinking about the future when I lay in bed last night, sometimes it`s hard to get those thoughts out of your head. I will be there every step of the way with Chris, but I hope I don`t let him down. Such a selfish thought to have, thinking about me and not him. Thankfully I locked those thoughts away again and dropped off to sleep.)