I was a little worried it would be too short with Chris having to sit up and having wear his memory foam boots, but it seemed he just fitted. However at 2am he woke me to say his feet were really hot and uncomfortable. It seems he had slipped down a fraction and his feet were pushing against the board.
So...I fetched my tool basket and unscrewed the two boards. Thankfully they were only held on with four screws. The boots were then able to hang over the edge of the mattress by a couple of inches and this made all the difference to him. He was very comfortable otherwise.
I slept in the recliner chair. I had some memory foam pads which made the seat more comfortable. It wasn't too bad, being short is an advantage sometimes. Because the bed could be lowered it also meant I could lay my head right next to Chris and hold hands, so that is great.
Chris's day consists of mostly sleeping now in between the odd mucous episode and a toilet break. The GP said to up the Oromorph to 5mls to help relax him a bit as he gets scared sometimes with his breathing. He perks up a bit during the evening and manages to watch a couple of his favourite programmes on Sky+.
I thought he would be more upset about being in a hospital bed, but he is fine about it. He isn't so far away from me when I am up and about which is good too. He still gets in his wheelchair during the day.
I contacted Jon from Derriford and asked them if they could collect the NIV unit so that someone else could have it and he said they can arrange a courier. That is a relief. Chris is meant to go up there in September, but Jon agreed that there was no need now as the palliative care team are making sure he is comfortable with medication etc. He will hold onto the cough assist and suction unit.
Oh well, life with MND moves on a little bit more.