Wednesday, 23 March 2016

No.295 'Time for closure.'

Yesterday we laid Christopher's ashes to rest along side his parents in the old churchyard beside his beloved church. It took a while to arrange as I had to get permission from the diocese for his ashes to be be buried in a closed churchyard and that took a few months.

It was emotional as you would expect, but I am also happy that his final wish has at last been granted and I am still only two minutes walk away from where he lies.

I have decided it is time to bring my MND blog to a close. All I can write about now is my grief and healing and everyone experiences that at sometime or other. It is something I don't particularly wish to share anymore. I cannot keep picking at the wound if I need to learn to live without Chris, I need to plan and live my life without him. Of course it is not what I want, but it is what it is and Chris would not want it any other way.

I am grateful to the almost 100,000 views I have had on my blog since June 2014. I was and still am overwhelmed that anyone would want to read it let alone so many from all over the world. I have have been told by many in a similar situation that it has helped them and that is very humbling.

Although I will still be involved in fundraising at various times in the future it is time for me to step back  from MND, it consumed Chris's life, I won't let it consume mine too, however selfish that may seem.

Thank you to all of you who have followed this blog, take care and much love to you all.