Saturday, 25 April 2015

No.173. Countdown to diagnosis (4)

Well, the MRI had been done and on April 26th 2014 Chris went back to Treliske to have nerve function tests and electromyography. I didn't go in with Chris, but I could hear some kind of machine making loads of strange noises. Chris said one of the tests involved sticking needles into different parts of his body including his tongue, which wasn't very pleasant. Electricity was basically sent down these needles to test the nerves and Chris said it felt like touching an electric fence. The noises were the reactions to the tests and the doctor told Chris that the machine was making noises when it shouldn't have, so was showing some abnormalities in his nerve function. Not really what we wanted to hear.

Chris had already had an appointment arrive to see the Reumatologist on May 23rd 2014, but this had been changed to see the neurologist on May 21st 2014. That didn't fill me with confidence and I was slowly hinting to Chris at the various things he might have. That wasn't easy as he really had no idea what was wrong with him at the time.

Now we thought we would have a few weeks to wait before we would find out what was exactly wrong with with Chris, I just knew though. deep down, what the diagnosis was going to be, even though I still prayed and hoped I was wrong.

Back to April 26th 2015. I am going to ring Chris's respiratory doctor tomorrow. He says he finds it hard to do things like blow his nose now and at night he makes grunts on each exhale and is more out of breath. I guess this means his chest muscles are being affected. It affects his speech too. It is easy to forget that speech depends on the exhalation of air over the vocal chords. Chris often sounds like he is trying to talk while holding his breath. This is not what we wanted. 

We will be thinking in awe today of everyone who is tirelessly fundraising for MND, especially those who are running the London Marathon, they have our deepest respect and thanks.

We know it is most unlikely for a cure to come along in time for Chris, but there are various trials ongoing around the world and to know that there will be a cure one day and that others won't have to deal with this evil disease, will be the next best thing. Also that loved ones, like myself and our family, won't have to watch the one they love be taken from them bit by bit in the cruelest of ways.